Our sponsor animals

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Cassie has been completely blind from birth. She needs the kind of care that most don't even think about. Other animals don't understand why she bumps into them so they spit at her. For that reason great care is taken in choosing her companions. She is currently with Paisley and Pippa. They are young and easy going but also need extra care.


Paisley was brought to the Veterinarian's office and I met the owners there to assist. She is severely stunted and has Rickets. The decision was made to bring her home with me in the back seat of my Leaf! She is tiny and her legs are twisted so it is difficult for her to keep up with the herd. For that reason, she is with Cassie and Pippa as a companion.


Piper came in with the rest of the herd Paisley came from. She was extremely stressed and has elephant skin. She is stunted like Paisley and we believe they were both mounted by the two intact males that were with them. She has a long road ahead of her so she will stay with her buddy, Paisley and Cassie.